Member Services

GLU offers each of its community members multiple benefits and services. Members have the opportunity to be involved in a monthly meeting to discuss current issues, ATC and MISO.
GLU members are not dependent on a single IOU for their power supply.
As a project agency, GLU allows members to choose those benefits and services of joint action that are most suited to their communities.
GLU’s aggregated load is approximately 525 MW and 3 million MWH. Joint action allows for economies of scale for an efficient operation, long term competitive power supply to members, and shared use of existing member resources.
GLU, on behalf of its members, weighs in on energy industry issues to advance and protect the interests of our citizen owners at FERC, MISO, PSCW and legislative matters as appropriate.
There is no initial cost to join GLU.
Each member community has a representative on the GLU Board.
Provided Services
- GLU members have the option of either System or Project participation; not provided by other Joint Action Agencies.
- GLU’s primary objectives are load aggregation and maintaining competitive pricing.
Power Supply Planning
- Long-term contract management
- Daily energy schedules development & submittal to counter-party
- Annual demand nomination submittals
- Power Supply Activities
- Long-range power supply plan development
MISO Services
- Daily load forecasting
- 7-day forecasting and submittal to LBA
- Daily demand bid submittal to MISO
- Financial contract/schedules management
- Annual ARR/FTR auction participation
- Monthly FTR auction participation
- Shadow settlements of daily invoices
- Outage scheduling/submittal with MISO for generation facilities
- Generator Availability Data System (GADS) data submittal to MISO
- 7 x 24 hour desk for interfacing with MISO
- Meter Data Management Activities
- Daily meter reading
- Submittal of hourly load data to MISO Portal
- Monthly invoicing
- Bookkeeping and general accounting
- Banking and investment transactions and services
- Document Management
- Regulatory and financial reporting which includes audit coordination
- Budget preparation
- Annual Wholesale Rate Development